Let's say you were sitting around wondering what movie you would like to stream online and if it was available. Let's also not actually say all that, we'll just think it to ourselves. One particularly good place to start is at www.justwatch.com Let's think to ourselves that we have decided to look for Angel & the Badman, 1947 version. We just enter the name in the search bar. Possible matches start coming as you type. You can just click on the one you are looking for if it appears in the list. The results for this movie show Angel & the Badman available for streaming on three subscription services. Also available to rent or buy from amazon.com or watch for free (with ads) from the roku channel. There is a synopsis and a trailer as well. Let's check it out! You do need an amazon prime account to watch on that service. I do have and yes, it works. The link to fandor goes to sundancenow.com which is currently running a 7 day free trial. Looks ...